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01 October 2019

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FDI were able to provide Dyson with a product that fulfilled all their criteria, producing a wide variety of production labels and works order documents on local laser printers and Zebra 4000 barcode thermal printers.

Download the complete profile in PDF format here

The project team at Dyson was on the look out for products to improve their production workflow methods. Marc Brown a senior project manager at Dyson explains the situation.

"We were looking at many methods to assist the production of our ever expanding range of household appliances and cleaners. One of the main issues we had was producing labels, production documents and works orders based on many different types of criteria. On some occasions we need a label, on others we need a full works order document, it all depends what is on the production line at that moment and whether we are just handling a part, a sub assembly made by us, a sub assembly made by someone else or the manufacture of a finished product".

Marc continues, "One of the major problems we had was sourcing a product that could conditionally decide what format of document or label was required and how many should be produced, based on the criteria on one of a number of documents, or data conditions existing on our AS400 JBA host. All of which had to be achieved in one flowing motion without operator intervention".

FDI were able to provide Dyson with a product that fulfilled all their criteria, producing a wide variety of production labels and works order documents on local laser printers and Zebra 4000 barcode thermal printers.

ODBC Query
Using SabreFDI’s powerful ODBC query system, it interactively produces all the required information at the point and time of need. The job consolidation feature also allows the production of a single works order document from three separate documents, including calculations on the page and the conditional addition of other data from the JBA AS400 host.

Marc says in conclusion "Dyson have been very impressed with the qualities and capability of the SabreFDI’ I product. Although there are other products around that at first sight seemed to fit the bill, none could demonstrate the capability and flexibility that SabreFDI’ provides".

Overall the Dyson team was impressed with Sabre and FDI demonstrable propensity towards innovation. Excellence and Innovation are watchwords at Dyson.


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