Download the complete brochure here
SabreArc is primarily an SQL based COLD (Computer Output To Laser Disk)
archiving system that can selectively place a document produced by SabreFDI
into its record structure. This process is carried out automatically at
“Print time” the stored image faithfully reproduces all the formatting of
the document (or documents id multi page) produced.
This feature is important if the document produced varies from its original
host format in any way (which it normally does if formatted by SabreFDI) and
later reference to the document for viewing or reproduction is required.
The documents are stored in such a way to be a “Legal hierarchical” archive,
which means that if the format design of the document is modified by the
SabreFDI dataset tools at a later date, the older documents are still in
their old format while only the new documents stored since the design
revision are viewed in the new format.
Storage of
paper copies are eliminated with the consequential elimination of manual
filing and retrieval.
Documents are
secure and cannot be lost or mislaid.
Ideal for “Credit Chasing with fax and e-mail support from archive to
produce copies of invoices for the customer.
Documents can
be faxed, e-mailed or printed from the archive.
Documents can be viewed by the SabreArc proprietary viewer or via an
Internet Browser “Plug in”.
Open systems
structure means that other image based systems can find and “View”
documents without any complex integration or merging procedures.
File storage
Document image indexes are stored in an exclusive SQL database or share this
resource with another system. The images are stored as part of the NTFS
directory tree file structure in such a way that other systems can access
the images with no integration difficulties or access to our system.
DLL based viewer technology can be provided by SabreFDI so that other system
viewers can open the compressed proprietary SabreFDI format, alternatively,
SabreFDI can store the images in a known Windows format as well in the same
directory in METAFILE or JPEG format. |