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How many documents are produced that are designed to accept written updates
by the users, the results of which are then updated back into a system?
These documents are the target of the latest development of SabreFDI
“SabreClip” This acronym stands for “Sabre Clipboard” and is designed to
support the growing range of advanced Windows CE powered PDA’s (Personal
Data Assistants) or PDT’s (Portable Data Terminals).
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be “Radio linked” and “Online”
to make effective use of these devices! The flexible implementation of
SabreClip means that you do not have to have all sites or routes transferred
to PDT operation, you can mix and match from the same source
Although the use of devices of this type is not new, the reducing cost of
these devices and the advanced capabilities are now making them cost
effectively available to applications that were once considered prohibitive
in cost to support. The issue with using devices such as these is now not
the purchase cost, but more a case of “How can we get our applications to
support them?” This is not a major issue for big budgets and new systems but
adapting older legacy systems to cost effectively support these types of
devices is an almost impossible task.
Until now…
Usage scenario
The main application development thrust of our product is aimed at the
despatch market, where errors in shipments cause considerable cash flow
issues when delays in getting details of the confirmed delivery quantities,
cause issues when they do not match the invoice for the shipment.
Some times items are missing, damaged, cross picked or refused and delays in
getting the POD back with its confirmed shipping quantities on, mean that
the invoice does not match what was actually shipped to the customer.
Credits have to be raised, tempers have to be soothed and relationships have
to be repaired and in the mean time the invoice which is incorrect is not
being paid which impacts on cash flow. Our development uses the Intermec 700
series PDT because it has a very useful “Laser” barcode scanner and a touch
sensitive screen that can accept signatures and data input, but we can
support any Windows CE driven hand held device.