Download the complete profile in PDF format here
Recipe for Success
Established in 1879, G. Costa & Co. imports and manufactures a wide range of
specialty foods from around the world.
Working in close partnership with a global network of suppliers, G. Costa
source quality products to meet the ever-changing needs of our retail and
catering customer’s worldwide. Development and manufacturing facilities at
Keddie Saucemasters and Zest Foods ensure G.Costa remain at the forefront of
food production and enable them to offer supermarket own-label capability.
Our aim is to build brands by maximizing marketing and distribution
opportunities. G.Costa’s popular brands add excitement and interest to
retail categories, offering consumers an inspired choice of specialty foods.
At Your
Customer care is a priority. G.Costa’s management team and experienced,
friendly staff are on hand to provide customers with the information,
products and services required and offer 48 hour delivery nationwide from
their purpose built distribution center.
Adds Spice To The Mix!
"We have used FDI and their Sabre print management products and services for
a number of years" states Glen Boyle Costa’s IT Manager. "But the
introduction of their new SabreFDI product range added some extra dimensions
and possibilities that we were keen to exploit to our advantage".
Glen explains "We have used the new ODBC capability in SabreFDI to remove
all of the modifications on our host system that placed additional
information on our documents, this includes the capability to produce
‘Priced’ despatch notes for some of our customers". "The advantage of the
move is we are now able to revert to a standard level of host software which
is far easier and more cost effective to maintain, effectively reducing our
annual maintenance costs".
Scanning &
tracking (Proof of Deliveries)
Priced and normal despatch notes are produced via on a HP8000 laser printer.
Two different colour copies are produced from different trays on NCR A4
chemically treated paper, the end resulting copies are then automatically
stapled together by the printer. This process provides stunning quality
documents that are easy to read and are less likely to be misinterpreted by
the driver or recipient, the recipient being able to mark the top driver
copy with notes and signature, the customers copy being updated at the same
time in "Carbon" paper fashion.
Using FDI implementation of the legendary "Kofax" OEM scanning interface
with a Fujitsu flatbed scanner, Costa’s admin staff are able to scan the
returned POD document into the SabreArc database.
All the indexing information for the document is held on a barcode, so no
additional information needs to be added to the document to store it in the
database. Before scanning, a senior administration supervisor reviews the
documents and ‘Ticks’ one or more of the OMR boxes. When scanned, these
boxes will indicate if a delivery was short, over, damaged or had some other
Standard Microsoft Access based reporting tools are used to highlight any
despatch POD documents that have not been returned by the hauler and also
which documents contain despatch errors and of what type.